Gender Landing Page Hero

General Considerations

The purpose of a Gender Landing Page Hero on a gender landing page is to enhance the shopping experience by inspiring with gender specific messaging and products. The desired customer action is to inspire, generate interest and promote exploration with gender-specific products and messaging to generate awareness of the latest and greatest products and brands.

Messages should be short with a clear call to action. Simple visuals that focus on key products are more successful for user engagement. The cartridge becomes a carousel if more than one slide is used in a promo placement.

Only one animated asset will be allowed on a page at any given time. Animations must not exceed 5 seconds in length.

Use the standard button style CTA as default (included in template download). The background of the button color should be the same as other text colors in creative. Placement of the button CTA should be in the lower left hand corner of the creative, as specified in the template. The button may be locked up with Headline copy in the lower left hand corner, as specified in the template. For higher priority campaigns, the Headline may be separate from the button CTA.

Assets must be delivered at both Mobile and Desktop breakpoints.


Mobile Landing Page Slider


Naming Convention:
FNL_Date_Campaign_Project Name_Spec_Versions.filetype
(Ex: JD_010121_Nike_GLPSlider_Mobile_613x400_v1.png)

Image dimensions: 613 x 613
File Size: 300kb max
File Format: PNG, GIF, MP4

Headline: Gotham Medium, 34px, 34px leading
Button CTA
Legal: Arial 14px, 16px leading
Color: Black or White


Desktop Landing Page Slider

Naming Convention
FNL_Date_Campaign_Project Name_Spec_Versions.filetype
(Ex: JD_010121_Nike_GLPSlider_Desktop_1213x600_v1.png)

Image dimensions: 1440 x 720px
File Size: 800kb max
File Format: PNG, GIF, MP4

Headline: Gotham Medium, 40px, 40px leading
Button CTA
Legal: Arial 12px, 14px leading
Color: Black or White